Monday, June 8, 2009

Epilogue for My Hobby Is Reading

I'm so excited! It's been a long while since I have time to read through a nice and thick book! How many people can say Amen to that?

I can always remember that faithful day, when an intern asked about my hobbies. I always only have to fill this up when writing resumes. With a job, I never feel that having hobbies is a necessity.

I love working and I love being busy and the feeling of being useful. However, work is never ending. You will NEVER HAVE ENOUGH TIME unless, you MAKE TIME for anything else.

There are many reasons why I resign from a job I love and enjoy. You can say it's burn out, or, many things else. But main reason is, I am going 30. So, it's time to really make time for myself, for my hobbies and for my passion.

There's no end to making more money and having more bills. In Singapore (but I'm sure, many more countries are like that, maybe, I should just say, in this generation), it's really hard not to be in debts unless you have rich parents and don't need a flat. So, get used to being in debt so long as you make sure it is manageable. But of course, I hope in 10 years time, I will be debt free!

And well, this blog is then dedicated to one of my top hobbies which I have, have lost but will try to regain now!

I wish to keep a record of what I have read, and what I have learnt. It will also be useful as re-typing what I have read is also a form of reinforcing of my learnings. =D

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